I am delighted to invite you to attend a pop up exhibition on Friday 17th June for the 2021/2022 GCSE Photography and Textiles cohort. The exhibition runs from 5pm to 6pm in room 3.12. Please bring your parents, so they may sample what you have been able to create this year!
I am really impressed with the 3D developments you have created Eva - well done! It would be interesting to see these moving. You could create some videos moving the pages etc. I would take some extreme close ups of the pieces too, to show some understanding of focus.
For your second shoot for your third artist, I would explore taking images of a different person, unless there is a specific reason, I would use another person, so that you can play around with amalgamating multiple faces together.
To bring this back to your previous artists, I would create some 3D shapes in the form of bowls, so that you can sew them together. See some examples here of shapes:…
Holland Park School KFI
01 thg 2, 2022
Add some more development to your first artist by double exposing and mirroring your edits.
There is some interesting work on you Robertson page. You now need to ensure you are uploading all the work that shows you are capable of producing something more creative e.g. with the tracing paper etc. You could then create a book, based off the thread idea, outlined above, but using tracing paper.
Eva Neilson
20 thg 2, 2022
Phản hồi lại
Thank you so much for your feedback miss, the links were very helpful. I have created developments for my first and second artists using these ideas, however I haven't been able to upload my second developments for Robertson yet as I need to take pictures of them on top of a lightbox.
King PigPen
01 thg 12, 2021
Peer Assessment 1/12/2021
Assessor: Jacob McGrath
The quality of work is very high, and the photographs and editing are very good, resulting in effective edits in the style of Annegret Soltau. Your understanding of the artist is clear as demonstrated through your artist analysis (AO1) and the subsequent work. I almost chose Soltau, because I liked the style of her work, but decided against it due to the required quality of work to create successful edits, which you have accomplished to a great degree. Your annotations are also very good (AO3), and the addition of the process by which the photos were edited is interesting.
As of yet there is little development (similar to my own), but I imagine that…
Eva Neilson
01 thg 12, 2021
Phản hồi lại
I will make sure to finish and upload my developments soon, thank you so much for your nice feedback. :)
Dear student,
I am delighted to invite you to attend a pop up exhibition on Friday 17th June for the 2021/2022 GCSE Photography and Textiles cohort. The exhibition runs from 5pm to 6pm in room 3.12. Please bring your parents, so they may sample what you have been able to create this year!
Here is the poster for with additional information: http://msfittonart.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/6/1/126104236/plasma-exhibition-advert_orig.jpg
Best wishes,
Ms Fitton
I am really impressed with the 3D developments you have created Eva - well done! It would be interesting to see these moving. You could create some videos moving the pages etc. I would take some extreme close ups of the pieces too, to show some understanding of focus.
For your second shoot for your third artist, I would explore taking images of a different person, unless there is a specific reason, I would use another person, so that you can play around with amalgamating multiple faces together.
To bring this back to your previous artists, I would create some 3D shapes in the form of bowls, so that you can sew them together. See some examples here of shapes:…
Add some more development to your first artist by double exposing and mirroring your edits.
You can then develop your second shoot with the thread across the face by creating some physical pieces where you place the images onto folded card and then sew onto each side. You can see an example of something like this here: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/564568503296823364/ https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/59672763787347928/
There is some interesting work on you Robertson page. You now need to ensure you are uploading all the work that shows you are capable of producing something more creative e.g. with the tracing paper etc. You could then create a book, based off the thread idea, outlined above, but using tracing paper.
Peer Assessment 1/12/2021
Assessor: Jacob McGrath
The quality of work is very high, and the photographs and editing are very good, resulting in effective edits in the style of Annegret Soltau. Your understanding of the artist is clear as demonstrated through your artist analysis (AO1) and the subsequent work. I almost chose Soltau, because I liked the style of her work, but decided against it due to the required quality of work to create successful edits, which you have accomplished to a great degree. Your annotations are also very good (AO3), and the addition of the process by which the photos were edited is interesting.
As of yet there is little development (similar to my own), but I imagine that…