Abigail McGuane
Caro Mantke
Aldo Tolino
Square cut-out edits
Depth photographs (taking pictures of the cut out edits at an angle to create depth).
Sewing over the top layer to secure it - partially inspired by Aldo Tolino
Sewing between folds - making enclosed shapes using thread.
Black and white edits (inspired by Abigail McGuane).
Mixing different people (I'll need to do another photoshoot for this).
Taking inspiration from his coloured strip edits - making digital coloured edits of faces and then printing them and bending them into strips (similar to Mantke's work)
Folding the paper into squares and then making cubes out of it - big sculpture as a final piece).
Sewing down the folded paper.
Printing cube faces onto acetate and making a transparent cube.
This page is where I note down all my ideas for Identity and explore ways to combine the techniques I learn from each into new developments.